OL/TH/24/1473 Land adjacent to ST AUGUSTINE'S CROSS
Cliffsend Parish Council
Dear Residents
I'm sure you are aware of this planning application - up to 200 dwellings with access onto Cottington Road - adjacent to St Augustine's Cross, North and South of Cottington Road. It is imperative that as many residents as possible give their views on the proposal.
The application can be viewed online at https://planning.thanet.gov.uk/online-applications/
You can comment on the application by using the link above, or by writing addressing to Planning Applications Section at Thanet District Council. Please make sure that the application number is included - OL/TH/24/1473
Comments should be submitted by 11th February 2025.
Many thanks.
Find Cliffsend Parish Council
Cliffsend Village Hall, Foads Lane, Cliffsend, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 5JH
Additional Information
If you require a response from the Parish Council, please ensure that you give your name and contact details in any correspondence.