Councillor Vacancies
Cliffsend Parish Council
Councillor Vacancies
If you are interested in serving on the Parish Council, please write a short résumé saying how and why you would like to serve our community.
Parish Councillors express no political allegiances, they should be capable and enthusiastic. The Council welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, experiences and abilities. You must live or work within 4.8 km/3 miles of the parish and have done so for at least 12 months. The most important attribute for any Parish Councillor is to care about their community and be willing to take an active role.
All Council business follows strict procedural controls as laid down in legislation. In addition, the Council has its own adopted Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations. Councillors are required to declare in writing any personal interest and abstain from debating and voting on matters which affect them or their families.
Cliffsend Parish Council is committed to being both open and transparent in its dealings with both its own members and the public. We adhere to what is known as the Nolan Principles which broadly speaking cover the acceptable manner in which we conduct ourselves. The full Council consists of 7 Councillors, public meetings are usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, November.
There are currently no Standing Committees but Working Groups consisting of Councillors and occasionally adopted community members. The areas currently cover Planning and Highways, Finance, the Marjorie Chapman Meadow and Open Spaces, and Youth. The Council is also represented on other local bodies that deal with the Thanet Local Plan and infrastructural development.
It would be helpful if you indicate particular areas where you have an interest and could contribute to debate and development of Council policy.
Candidates may request guidance from current and former Council members, including the Clerk, but should refrain from canvassing Councillors for personal support.
Please write to -
The Clerk, Cliffsend Parish Council, Cliffsend Village Hall, Foads Lane, Cliffsend, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 5JH
email – [email protected]